
来源:快飞出国留学 浏览:177 发布日期:2023-10-16 11:08:54

杜克大学 (Duke University),于1838年始建,坐落于美国北卡罗来纳州(North Carolina)的达勒姆(Durham),是一所世界顶级的研究型大学,全美最优秀的大学之一,也是美国南部最好的私立大学。其前身为三一学院,1924年改名为今杜克大学。杜克大学在各类排行榜上长期位居美国前十、世界前二十。

杜克大学经济学硕士开设在文理学院下,有四个不同的专业方向:M.A. Economics (MAE)经济学文学硕士: Prospective students should be prepared to enter a quantitatively rigorous

program.M.A. Analytical Political Economy (MAPE)分析政策经济学: Prospective students will find an undergraduate

background in political science and/or economics to be helpful.M.S. Economics & Computation (MSEC)计算经济学: Prospective students will find an undergraduate background in

computer science and/or economics to be helpful.M.S. Quantitative Financial Economics (MQFE)计量金融经济学: An undergraduate degree in economics or financeis not required; however, a strong quantitative background is essential. Students entering this program areexpected to have taken courses in multivariable calculus, linear algebra (including differential equations) andprobability and statistics. A background in programming (ideally Matlab or R) is preferable. This program isnot accepting applications for(该项目2022不招生).

我们今天来了解一下杜克大学经济学文学硕士M.A. Economics (MAE)的详细项目信息和申请要求。



课程设置30 credits in economics and related fields, to include a minimum of 15 credits (five courses) in economicsTHREE courses (9 credits) in microeconomics and/or macroeconomics

THREE courses (9 credits) in econometrics, computational methods, computer science, mathematics and/or statistics

TWO courses in econometrics, computational methods, computer science, mathematics and/or statistics

ONE Capstone Course (3 credits)




